Kelly Midwood

When You’re Ready To Sell…

Crafting Success with Kelly…

I have refined processes and systems that set the stage for your success. One of my key strengths is creating tailored strategies to assess and market each home leveraging my super talented creative team behind the scenes.
Your success is my priority, and my client-centric approach ensures you have my dedicated support, at any time, and for anything.


Kelly Midwood

Selling it straight since 2005

No matter the specifics of your situation, Kelly is resolute in her commitment to securing top-notch results. Employing a strategic blend of traditional and modern marketing methods, she ensures that your property receives exposure to the right buyers. 


Kelly’s vast knowledge of The Bays makes her an expert when it comes to market analysis. She is still as enthusiastic as the day she started and has the finesse gained over years of experience.

Knowing how the market moves in and around The Bays puts her data way ahead as it is combined with the resources of Barfoot & Thompson. She also uses a range of property information databases to analyse comparative properties. Over time, there aren’t many properties that Kelly hasn’t visited in the area! How accurate are her appraisals? The answer…. VERY ACCURATE!

Ready to invite me over?

Contact Kelly

Not all appraisals are created equal and knowledge is power when deciding your next move. I have been solely specialising in properties in this area for almost 20 years. I know my numbers and can produce a free and accurate appraisal with zero obligation or pressure. Call me today!



Our Address

Corner St Heliers Bay Road
and Tamaki Drive, Auckland, New Zealand



Our Hours

“Always on, always here for you. Service beyond traditional hours: Always ready and always available”


The best insights into my work come directly from my past and present clients. Curious to learn more? I’d be delighted to facilitate a direct conversation between you and one of my previous clients for a firsthand chat! Read what they have to say here.


Simply give me a call and we can get together to go over the specifics of your property. Then, leave the rest in my capable hands as I use the best tools available to find comparable properties, and their value, to calculate the value of your home.
I specialise in properties located in Kohimarama, St Heliers, Glendowie and Mission Bay, and Stonefields. When you are seeking that next move in whatever capacity, taking care of family affairs want to upgrade or just step onto the property ladder, I am the person you want to work with.
I pride myself on customized and consistent service to each and every one of my clients. One of the things that my clients have come to appreciate is my candor, integrity and the truth as I see it. Your best move and me being involved in it is a privilege and I take that very seriously. Transparency is critically important to how I do business and I will always keep you informed no matter where we are in the selling process.
No, appraisals are free of charge and no obligation afterwards

Helpful Helpers guide

This local knows everything local! Over time, I have compiled knowledge of the best businesses and professionals who can assist you with everything from home staging, to security systems, or a good garden tidy. My Helpful Helpers Guide is meant to do the hard work for you no matter what your property is needing. Our relationship never ends once a sale is over so feel free to give me a call for recommendations on maintenance professionals.

Want to keep a pulse on the market and The Bays happenings? Follow me on my social media channels for the latest and greatest of all things property.

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